If you’ve been asked to provide technical advice for home improvement projects, the following guide will help you be the best consultant possible. Primarily, the preliminary analysis will focus on the customer’s requirements and the existing conditions. The people who hired you as an installation specialist for automatic gate services will want to hear your professional assessment of the scope of work, the expected cost, and the information they already possess.
First and foremost, you must evaluate automatic gate services:
Customer purchasing ability
The frequency with which the automatic gate is operated.
What type of gate is necessary? (sliding, swing, heavy, light, one or two leaf, slopes, materials, position, presence of water, etc.)
The slope characteristics of the site where the Gate will be positioned in the landscape, as well as the ease or difficulty of the proposed intervention.
Actual or indicated provision for cable ducts
Excellent advise for selecting an automatic gate.
When you have all of the information offered in the previous paragraph, you may draw your own conclusions by considering the following general concepts with the aid of automatic gate services.
If the customer insists on a swing gate or if there is insufficient space to install another type of gate, then you should consider:
• A swing gate is more delicate than a sliding gate; thus, if the number of daily openings is considerable, it is essential to consider alternative choices. The piston motor is superior for heavier gates (slower but more powerful), but it must be attached securely and perpendicular to the gate to be effective.
• The articulated arm can be used in a wider variety of situations, has a faster opening rate than a piston motor, and in some cases is a better overall fit, but it is obviously larger in size. The presence of water may make installation more difficult.
Even when possibilities are restricted, the optimal choice can always be identified.
There are instances where selecting the optimal course of action is impossible. Occasionally, the positioning of the gate will create limits that cannot be avoided. The mechanical components that comprise the automation of a gate must have a long lifespan and require minimum maintenance, making the selection of high-quality components even more crucial than the gate itself.